This is Romeo, an adorable little bear designed by Mary Jane's Tearoom. I had so much fun knitting him that, I'm afraid, I got slightly distracted from other projects... This pattern was very well written and I would recommend anyone interested to have a go. I have used the recommended yarn which is King Cole Alpaca DK, incredibly soft although a bit pricey... I might, later on, attempt a girl version of this teddy, using different yarns.
Since knitting Romeo, I have been a bit obsessed with making little people. I'll tell you more about it in my next post...
He's adorable, especially his smile. Love all the details, heart shaped buttons on his overalls, his booties - looks like there's a contrasting strap and his patterned sweater. And I'm wondering if he has socks, I see a bit of white peeking above his booties.
Looking forward to seeing the results of your obsession :)
Posted by: erin | April 24, 2013 at 03:18 AM