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April 28, 2012



Sorry to hear about the problem with the pink fabric, hope it can be salvaged.
The dragonfly pjs turned out pretty cute! And I see a book at your bedside - couldn't make out the title though. What are you reading?
And, have a great weekend!


Your PJs turned out really well! Thank you for the book recommendation; I'm really enjoying seeing what everyone's reading. I haven't read anything by Elizabeth Von Arnim, but this is the second time I've seen her books recommended in blogland (and the mention in Downton Abbey of 'Elizabeth and her German Garden' also got me interested) so I'm adding her to my reading list now!


Lovely PJs. The fabric is so cute!

Also another book to add to my reading list. It has been such fun finding out what everyone else is reading!


The dragonflies are so cute and cheery!


I love Pyjamas a lot, I even own some very lovely old PJs, the only reason I don´t wear them is that they need to be ironed and I really don´t like to iron PJs. Sad and stupid, of course, because as you have said they are so lovely, sometimes elegant and feminin, sometimes cosy soft and snuggly.
It´s sad that you hadn´t had enough fabric to make a top, too, but the trouser is very cute, love the bold colours and I could imagine that it´s a very comfy trouser for relaxed evenings on your sofa.
PS: Love the book, too, very much. The 'style' she is writing is so very different to nowaday books, love how she uses the words and expressions.

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