Spring is in the air... these last few days anyway, and it is so good to see the sun again. It won't last of course, it never does. It is still February after all, but it is nice to pretend for a little while and browse through the new patterns...
I am quite looking forward to get my hands on the new Rowan magazine. I have seen the previews and liked what I saw so far. I am not really impressed by the Weekender section but the rest is worth a closer look.
I have finished Charlotte first front and I think the neckline will be okay (remember that I don't have the pattern so everything is guess work...). I don't think it will look quite the same but I am working hard at getting a similar look.
Finally, I have bought this beautiful Lane Borgosesia lace weight wool to make a little something from Victorian Lace Today. But more about it later when I come to it... (My fingers are itching though...)