Most knitters seem to suffer from the same compulsive disease : "yarn gathering". I have seen some impressive displays on some blogs which left me speechless! My stash is not that big, if I make comparisons, feeling two large boxes but it has started to bug me... I took a long look at all this wool which was bought originally (I am sure...) with a project in mind and thought it was time I did something about it. The decision was made to clear as much as possible before buying anymore!
There are two ways about it: make something with it (after all I liked the yarn when I bought it) or get rid of it by selling or swapping. My "Victoria" bag was the result of the first solution and it used about half of my Phildar Sport'Laine stock. Not bad for a first go at de-stashing. Encouraged by this, I kept on looking and thinking, and ideas are finally coming from all directions...
There are cushions I want to make and different techniques I want to try, such as felting and embroidery. More bags (I know, I am going through a phase...) to keep for myself or give away as presents. Maybe soft toys (I have got a book on knitted dolls which might come useful...) or blankets.... Inspiration is everywhere !!!
I took a dive into my stash, and I think I am going to have fun!