Another two weeks and a half and the children break up for the holidays!!! I have just realised that... Knitting time will seriously suffer, needless to say... Then we are going away for 2 weeks at the end of August and I very much doubt I will take any wool and needles with me. I honestly can't see myself on the beach or by the pool applying suntan lotion to little burning backs and then pick up my knitting with greasy hands... Besides it will probably be far too hot to work with wool (we're off to a gorgeous little Greek island). By the way, do they knit in Greece? I haven't come across a knitting blog from there yet... Have you?
So I haven't got much time left on my own to either finish something or at least make a good progress. This is where I am now:
This is Chicago's back, sleeve and the ribs from one front.
Not bad, and I know that past the ribs I should work a bit faster. I hate ribs and honestly I don't know why two projects on my to-do list include lots of ribbing. I must be insane...
And this is Chamomile's back, front and a partial sleeve.
I can't be sure but I feel that this one has got a serious chance of seeing the light of day before the holidays...
Now, of course, there is this little parcel of wool on its way to my home which hopefully will become one day the short cardi from Phildar. But I WILL NOT let myself be distracted...
What about the lace they do? I know what you mean about the knitting in heat with lotions around. We're doing Spain as soon as they break up. It's too hot to do anything except laze in the sea/pool with a nice long drink. Still let's enjoy it, it passes so quickly. Keep going with Chamomile, you're winning that one!
Posted by: Tracy | July 05, 2005 at 05:19 PM
You got a lot done, it looks great! Keep going and you will soon be able to start the cardi. :)
Posted by: Iris | July 05, 2005 at 06:03 PM
Chamomile avance vite, il sera sûrement fini avant ton départ en vacances. Quant à Chicago, C'est vraiment un beau modèle, mettras tu les petites fleurs de toutes les couleures que l'on voit sur la photo du magazine ?
Posted by: caro | July 05, 2005 at 10:20 PM
both of these look so nice. I'm sure you'll finish Chamomile before the holidays, and if you finish the rib on chigaco, maybe that too?
Posted by: dawn | July 05, 2005 at 10:23 PM
I'm pretty sure there are knitters in greece. I've yet to see a knitblog from there, though!
Posted by: Becky | July 06, 2005 at 06:40 AM
i love the chicago!! the edge looks like ruffles!!
Posted by: blossom | July 11, 2005 at 09:32 PM